About us

Advertising is big business. The Advertising and Marketing industry saw huge growth in 2017, and now comprises a market value of $1.2 Trillion. This, according to a new report by PQ Media.

Unfortunately, there remains a lack of diversity in advertising as current advertising models can inadvertently censure inclusive and diverse platforms. This has made it difficult for advertisers to source credible platforms that are representative of their audience.

It has also diverted media dollars from inclusive credible publications.

And that’s why we created adStartr.

adStartr logo

We wanted to make it easy for individuals and businesses to book advertising with inclusive and diverse publishers and broadcast media outlets around the world. No more toing and froing

No more struggling to reach a representative media outlet. We even eliminated the language barriers with translation into other languages.

Similarly, we wanted to make it easy for diverse and inclusive media organisations to sell their media inventory to the market. They now have alarger customer base, the ability to set and follow industry standards, and a way to easily manage advertising space, agencies and customers.

And with adStartr, we’ve done it all.

So whether you’re a:

  • freelancer
  • entrepreneur
  • advertiser
  • media agent
  • governing body or association
  • small business
  • multinational
  • charity
  • broker
  • exporter

you can now use adStartr to promote, advertise or broadcast your offer with just a few clicks.

We look forward to you becoming part of the inclusive global advertising phenomenon.